The dark 2006 thriller starring Demi Moore and written and directed by Craig Rosenberg (The Boys, Gen V).After the tragic drowning of her 5 year old son, best selling thriller novelist Rachel Carlson (Demi Moore) moves to a remote cottage on the Scottish coast to begin writing again. But Rachel's demons have followed her as loneliness and paranoia leave her not knowing what's real and what is just imagination in the fight to save her life.Special Features and Technical Specs:1080p High-definition presentation on Blu-ray'Making Of featuretteInterviews with CastB-RollTrailerAudio DTS HD 5.1 Surround / LPCM 2.0 StereoOptional English HOH SubtitlesAspect Ratio 2.35:1Housed in a glossy slipcover
The dark 2006 thriller starring Demi Moore and written and directed by Craig Rosenberg (The Boys, Gen V).After the tragic drowning of her 5 year old son, best selling thriller novelist Rachel Carlson (Demi Moore) moves to a remote cottage on the Scottish coast to begin writing again. But Rachel's demons have followed her as loneliness and paranoia leave her not knowing what's real and what is just imagination in the fight to save her life.Special Features and Technical Specs:1080p High-definition presentation on Blu-ray'Making Of featuretteInterviews with CastB-RollTrailerAudio DTS HD 5.1 Surround / LPCM 2.0 StereoOptional English HOH SubtitlesAspect Ratio 2.35:1Housed in a glossy slipcover
The dark 2006 thriller starring Demi Moore and written and directed by Craig Rosenberg (The Boys, Gen V).After the tragic drowning of her 5 year old son, best selling thriller novelist Rachel Carlson (Demi Moore) moves to a remote cottage on the Scottish coast to begin writing again. But Rachel's demons have followed her as loneliness and paranoia leave her not knowing what's real and what is just imagination in the fight to save her life.Special Features and Technical Specs:1080p High-definition presentation on Blu-ray'Making Of featuretteInterviews with CastB-RollTrailerAudio DTS HD 5.1 Surround / LPCM 2.0 StereoOptional English HOH SubtitlesAspect Ratio 2.35:1Housed in a glossy slipcover