Formats and Editions
1. It's Far Better to Learn (Live)
2. Sleepers (Live)
3. Voices (Live)
4. Cove's Memory (Live)
5. Finding Home (Live)
6. Bury Your Head (Live)
7. Only 20 Once (Live)
8. Pitiful (Live)
9. Zero (Live) 1
10. You're Not Alone (Live) 1
11. Seven (Live) 1
12. Pattern Against User (Live) 1
13. Can We Play Our Songs Now? (Live) 1
14. The Silver String (Live) 1
15. Hometown Feeling (Live) 1
16. I Can Tell There Was An Accident Here Earlier (Live) 1
17. Racing Towards a Red Light (Live) 1
18. Seven Years 1
19. Translating the Name 2
20. This Changed My Life (Live) 2
21. 3rd Measurement in C (Live) 2
22. Lost Symphonies (Live) 2
23. They Perched on Their Stilts, Point and Daring Me to Break Custom (Live)